Past Projects: EIA
Waste to Energy
Southern Italy
2014 - 2016
Environmental Impact Study and technical documents for the issuance of the Integrated Environmental Authorisation (IPPC), for the project of a biological treatment plant of the organic fraction of 75,000tons/y, consisting of n. 1 aerobic digestion section of about 37,500tons/y and n. 1 anaerobic digestion section of 37,500 tons/y for a total electrical power of 0.99MWp to be built in the "Matese" ASI located in the Municipality of Alife in the province of Caserta.
General Construction (now GEKO) S.p.A.
Southern Italy
Strategic Environmental Assessment of the UWM Plan (art. 3, par. 2/a and par. 2/b of the Directive 2001/42/EC) prepared by the Local Authority "Ente d'Ambito Caserta" in order to actuate the Regional UWMP within the Province of Caserta.
Ente d'Ambito Caserta.
Incidence Impact Assessment for the project for the construction of the new biomass plant of 0,99MWp of the vegetable oil type in "Contrada Porrara" in the Municipality of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi in the Province of Avellino.
Any further detail is intentionally omitted in respect of the Non Disclosure Agreement.
Ferrero S.p.A.
Southern Italy
2021- 2024
Technical Support for the renewal of the IPPC (Directive 2010/75/EU) Authorization and Commitment for the MBT Public Plant sited in Battipaglia (Province of Salerno).
Any further detail is intentionally omitted in respect of the Non Disclosure Agreement.
EcoAmbiente Salerno SpA.
Southern Italy
2001 - 2002
Environmental Impact Study for the project of a Chemical Plant for the production of Levulinic acid (biofuel from biomass) in the Industrial Area of Caserta.
Any further detail is intentionally omitted in respect of the Non Disclosure Agreement.
GEOGEST S.r.l. Le Calorie Spa.
Southern Italy
Technical Support for the modification of the Integrated Environmental Authorisation (I.E.A.) of the TMB plant in Battipaglia (SA) due to the new project of revamping, according to the IPPC (Directive 2010/75/EU).
Authorisation and Commitment for the revamping of the MBT Public Plant sited in Battipaglia (Province of Salerno).
Any further detail is intentionally omitted in respect of the Non Disclosure Agreement.
Ongoing activity.
EcoAmbiente Salerno SpA.