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Privacy policy


1. Privacy policy 

(a) Information on processing of personal data pursuant to art. 13 D. Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 (relating to the protection of personal data – the “Code”). 

(b) Before accessing and using ENVISYS APPs You need to read the Information on the processing of personal data made by ENVISYS, which is provided to help all users to consciously decide whether to begin to use or continue to use ENVISYS APPs and to describe how ENVISYS treats personal data information of its users.

(c) When You register and create your account, You – as the Registered User – agree to the ENVISYS Terms of Service and Use and confirm that You have read the information on the processing of personal data, as well as give your consent to the processing of personal data as described below, and always in accordance with Italian law. This Policy only concerns the sites owned by ENVISYS (,,, and it is otherwise not applicable. 


2. Data Controller

(a) The Data Controller is STUDIO ASSOCIATO ENVISYS INGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE DI PAOLO BIDELLO & ASSOCIATI (in this document “ENVISYS”), based as legal seat at Studio d’Aniello Commercialisti e Tributaristi in Corso Vittorio Emanuele 167/3, 80121 Naples (Italy, EU) and as operational seat in Piazza Santa Maria degli Angeli a Pizzofalcone 11, 80132 Naples (Italy, EU); phone: +390810432435; email:


3. How ENVISYS collects personal data of its Users

(a) In order to full access and to use our websites You need to create an account directly through each website. ENVISYS could access to similar Users’ personal informations also indirectly, through the Mac App Store or Google Store service.

(b) For this purpose, ENVISYS requires consent to the collection and processing of certain personal data, that is the e-mail address, the name and surname, and eventually other personal data that the User may have chosen to make accessible, at the only purpose to serve all assistance the User need on the ENVISYS APPs.

(c) ENVISYS invites Users to consult the Privacy Policy Manager, which manages the service FAQ in the public site and HELP inside the private area.

(d) ENVISYS will not collect/treat other personal data in addition to those mentioned above. In particular ENVISYS will never ask and thus will never archive on its servers data related to credit cards or alternative forms of payment.


4. Cookies

(a) When Users visit any site owned by ENVISYS, one or more cookies can be sent to their computers – a cookie is a small text file containing a string of alphanumeric characters that uniquely identifies the browser.

(b) ENVISYS uses both session cookies and persistent cookies: a persistent cookie survives the browser closing and can be reused during next sessions unless it has been previously removed (to remove persistent cookies it is necessary to follow the instructions of the web browser); the session cookies are temporary and disappear after You close the browser.

(c) You can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to require a notify in the case of transmission of a cookie; but, in case the user chooses to disable the receipt of cookies, any ENVISYS site may not function properly.

(d) Personal data collected by ENVISYS using cookies, whether they are persistent or session, will be collected and processed exclusively in anonymous and aggregate form and, consequently, they will be not attributable to any of ENVISYS APPs Users or even less, it won’t be possible to go back to ENVISYS Users identities through them.


5. Log Files

(a) In the context of access to each site owned by ENVISYS, ENVISYS servers automatically record information that the browser automatically sends whenever You visit a website: they are the Log files.

(b) The Log files may contain certain information, such as: web request, Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, browser language, referring/output pages and URLs, platform type, number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on each page, the date and time of the request, one or more cookies, etc.

(c) Personal data collected by ENVISYS through log files will be collected and processed exclusively in anonymous and aggregate form and, consequently, they will be not attributable to any of the Users of ENVISYS, or it will be not possible to trace the identity of Users through them. 


6. Mode

(a) The personal information of each User will be stored and processed by computer based procedures in secure servers and databases owned by as server provider of ENVISYS for each site owned by ENVISYS.

(b) For safety reasons, a data backup will be made ​​periodically. ENVISYS assumes, in respect of Users, the commitment to take all necessary measures for the security of the collected personal data and also because the processing of personal data could be carried out in full compliance with Italian law.

(c) Each ENVISYS site account is protected thanks to the password of the account. ENVISYS Users are the only responsible for the security of the password: ENVISYS recommends its Users to take care to keep it secret and strictly private.


7. Data Communication and dissemination

(a) The personal data processed by ENVISYS will be made ​​available only to persons who ENVISYS will appoint as Officers and/or Responsible for the data process. In particular ENVISYS appoints external Managers those persons who will install a software and/or its Updates available on the iDrawlix site.

(b) The personal data processed by ENVISYS may be communicated to the following categories of persons:

(b.1) Other companies controlled by, controllers or put under common control with ENVISYS or linked to them;

(b.2) Service providers necessary for the provision of services or data processing specifically identified and authorised by ENVISYS;

(b.3) Others with whom ENVISYS has entered from time to time into cooperation agreements related to the site or the provision of services which are subjects of the site.

(c) The said categories of persons will treat Users’ personal data only within the limits of what – on behalf of ENVISYS –  will be required to provide complementary and essential services for the use of the website and, in any case, always in accordance with what is contained in this Privacy Policy and in full compliance with Italian law.

(d) ENVISYS will not divulge personal data to any user.

(e) ENVISYS recommends all its Users to carefully check the privacy settings of their account immediately after registering to the site and otherwise, at the latest, before posting anything on ENVISYS, to avoid the circulation of personal data that You do not want to make accessible.

(f) The personal data collected by ENVISYS will be not divulged.


8. Your rights

(a) Each User of any of ENVISYS sites owns the rights under Art. 7 of the Code, in other words: the holder has to confirm the existence or not of his personal data and their provision in an intelligible form, the identity of the owner and of the persons whom data may be communicate; the User has to obtain the update, rectification and integration of data, deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and he/she can oppose, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data. Users of ENVISYS APPs may exercise their rights as described above at any time, writing to

(b) At the same e-mail address it will be also possible to submit requests for clarification regarding the processing of personal data or to this Policy, besides any requests for deletion of personal data.

(c) In the event that a User decides to cancel his ENVISYS account, ENVISYS will erase all personal data from its database; nevertheless, it could remain trace of its profile in the activities history realised on each site owned by ENVISYS.


9. Changes and updates to this privacy policy

(a) This Policy on the processing of personal data can be modified and/or updated over time, in order to pursuit the continuous improvement.

(b) ENVISYS will promptly inform its Users when significant changes are made to this Policy by e-mail; anyway Users of the ENVISYS APPs have to periodically check the contents of the Policy, available at internet address


Last Modified Date: May, 11 2021.

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